Welcome to the manual for the Computational Quantum Research Group at Smith College, led by Dr. Casey Berger. This manual’s aim is to
If you find this manual is lacking answers to your specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask (or recommend resources or information that would be helpful) here.
- define the culture and expectations of the group
- answer any questions about getting started in the group
- point the way to important resources
If you find this manual is lacking answers to your specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask (or recommend resources or information that would be helpful) here.
From Professor Berger
- I will communicate my expectations to you clearly and respond to emails and questions in a timely fashion. I may not have time for everything, and when I don’t, I will be transparent about my abilities and my limitations.
- I will do my very best to meet you where you are and help you find work that interests you and helps you develop the skills you need and want for your career goals, whatever those may be.
- I expect you to put in consistent work on the research. Research is often a slow process, and it may not feel like you’re moving anywhere, but it’s consistent work that eventually gets you to the breakthroughs.
- I expect you to log your time if you are doing research for credit (special studies or senior research) or if you are doing paid hourly work.
- I expect you to communicate in a clear and timely fashion. Please respond to emails within 48 hours, especially those which have some time crunch in them.
- I expect you to treat your fellow students with respect and compassion. We’re all learning and growing, and the best way to succeed is to help and support each other. This group is a community — there is no competition here.
- I expect you to attend all group meetings if you are enrolled in research for credit of any kind (special studies or senior thesis) or if you are doing paid hourly work (you should log research meetings as work time, for which you will be paid your hourly rate)
What does research work look like in this group?
It can look like a lot of things! Mostly, it looks like writing code, running code, and analyzing data. You will work with other students and with Casey to develop your skills, refine research questions, and work on projects.
Skill Building
This should be your first focus in research. Identifying skills and then figuring out how to learn those skills is essential to success in any field.
There are lots of resources for skill building at this page:
This should be your first focus in research. Identifying skills and then figuring out how to learn those skills is essential to success in any field.
There are lots of resources for skill building at this page:
Exploratory Work
You can start by working on small pieces of other projects, gaining skills and learning what you’re interested in. This work is best done as a special studies, but doesn’t have to be done that way. Talk to Casey about how to get started, and as you progress, we can choose a specific research path for you.
You can start by working on small pieces of other projects, gaining skills and learning what you’re interested in. This work is best done as a special studies, but doesn’t have to be done that way. Talk to Casey about how to get started, and as you progress, we can choose a specific research path for you.
Senior Thesis
Once you’ve spent some time on exploratory work, you can choose to do a senior thesis project. See the requirements below.
Once you’ve spent some time on exploratory work, you can choose to do a senior thesis project. See the requirements below.
If you find this manual is lacking answers to your specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask (or recommend resources or information that would be helpful) at the link below.
If you find this manual is lacking answers to your specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask (or recommend resources or information that would be helpful) at the link below.